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Let's Talk Fabrics - Washi
In our constant pursuit of the innovative and interesting, Prologue stumbled upon a textile with a history spanning millennia that has...

Introducing: Prologue's Harrington Jacket
Transitioning between winter and spring is not always easy, especially in Hong Kong when weather can fluctuate between chilly cold and...

Prologue's Made-to-Measure and RTW Shorts
Now that we are in the middle of summer, there is no denying that the mercury’s rising, while the climbing humidity is making the...

What’s the difference between MTO and MTM?
What are the differences between made-to-order and made-to-measure garments? There seems to be abundant confusion surrounding the...

Let's Talk Fabrics - High Twist Fabrics
Next, another highly requested topic that our customers requested especially - High Twist Fabrics We now move onto high twist cloths; for...

What is a full canvas suit?
While your suit’s cloth covers the majority of your garment’s outward facing panels, two other components are crucial to the construction...

Introducing: Prologue's Honey Robe Overcoat
We have all been there, admiring photos of silver screen icons of old in fantastic coats in what appears to be bulletproof melton and...

A Daily Beater: The Quintessential Oxford Cloth Button Down Shirt OCBD
The Oxford cloth button down shirt (OCBD) is undoubtedly a staple in any modern man’s wardrobe due to its versatility, affording this...

A Casual Alternative to Sport Shirts - Polos
The polo shirt is undoubtedly a staple in any modern man’s wardrobe due to its versatility, giving this style of shirt its unique place...

Suit and Jacket Styles
In this edition of our "Let's Begin" series, we discuss different suit and jacket styles. Try to picture a suit or sport jacket, and odds...

Prologue’s House Cut
In this edition we go over our iconic house style and how it has changed throughout the years. Today we will introduce Prologue’s house...

Prologue's Mandarin Jacket
As the weather gradually becomes warmer and more humid, many of us may well be looking for alternatives to the ubiquitous suit and sport...

Choosing the Colour of Your First Suit
Today, we are launching a new series of regular Instagram posts entitled ‘Let’s Begin’ with the aim of answering questions that we find...

Let's Talk Fabrics
Let's Talk Fabrics - What fabric should I select for my first suit? Our next topic is about the second-most asked question, what cloth...
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